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The Inaudible Truth

When you wake

tomorrow morning

eyes slowly peeling open

heavy with the knowledge of another day

like this…

when the voices

start to murmur

bicker, badger

and bite

when the clarity

of simple color

starts to collapse


fused chaos

when dullness

darkness and


seem to dictate

the days


when repeated patterns

push purgatory


our path


“do it this time, it will be different”

as swollen thoughts



and memory commits

to treachery

we strain

to retrieve

a never-existent past

to secure

a nonexistent future

when the voices

start to murmur

bicker, badger

and bite

it’s not on each shoulder

they sit and they smolder

it’s asylum inside of the mind

that they seek

permanently harbored

in the havoc they wreak

so take the risk and let both roam

for you it’s time to come on home

you’ve been out wandering

long enough

your road has been both

rough and tough

expel the imposter

from its burrowing hole

your supplies better spent

to uplift your soul

when confronted


by the badger and bite

and the tinnitus

stings through

the day and the night

unwind the mind

and beneath

the labyrinth

you will find

your shrine reserved

for all of time

and when you sleep

tomorrow night

eyes slowly floating closed

with the knowledge of another day

like this…


to let the

Inaudible Truth

Roar in Technicolor


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© 2020 Obsessive Compulsive Bliss

Content Disclaimer:

This is my own personal blog, a story and record of my own personal journey. It is in no way representing any formal Transcendental Meditation Organization. The content about my life is representative only of my experience. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 


Medical Disclaimer: 

All of the content about my experiences with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, mental illness and Transcendental Meditation published on this website and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is just that: my own experience. It is not guaranteed in any way that others will have the same experiences. I am not a psychologist, psychiatrist or medical professional of any kind. The information on this site and all associated newsletters, email correspondence, and social profiles is for information purposes only and not medical advice or guidance. Always consult your medical professional or other qualified health professional for any questions or changes regarding your health. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation technique should contact to find a certified Teacher of Transcendental Meditation in your area. 

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